Despicable Me ♥
kategori: Movie & TV [3] kommentera
watching the whole movie btw ;3
watching the whole movie btw ;3
GD & TOP ♥
kategori: Korea [0] kommentera
hot boys!!
merry xmas ^-^
kategori: maplestory [0] kommentera
GD & TOP - High High
kategori: Korea [0] kommentera
Made a new category for my korean stuffs i upload.
And to celebrate that. Here we got GD & TOP's new song High High! ;3
And to celebrate that. Here we got GD & TOP's new song High High! ;3
bad and good day
kategori: Korea [0] kommentera
Svenska: Även fast denna dag har gått helt åt helvete. Varit helt yr, ja varit sjuk nå dar nu, och sen får vi inte dricka vattnet ur kran utan måste koka det först ba för en jävla läcka igår...
- Men nu mot kvällen gjorde jag mig själv så lycklig. Jag har gått blivit beroende av "SE7EN ft. Lil Kim - Girls". Det är ju så att spotify har ju inge k-pop men så sökte jag på Lil Kim på spotify och självklart fanns låten. ♥ Så nu är jag iaf glad! ;)
English: Even if this day hav been shit. I have been dizzy, well been sick a few days now, and we are not allowed to drink the water if we dont boil it first. Some freaking leak that happend yesterday.
- Well now at the end o the day im happy. Im addicted too "SE7EN ft. Lil Kim - Girls". And Spotify dont got any k-pop but i was bored and searched for Lil Kim on spotify, and ofc the song was there. ♥ That made my day!
- Men nu mot kvällen gjorde jag mig själv så lycklig. Jag har gått blivit beroende av "SE7EN ft. Lil Kim - Girls". Det är ju så att spotify har ju inge k-pop men så sökte jag på Lil Kim på spotify och självklart fanns låten. ♥ Så nu är jag iaf glad! ;)
English: Even if this day hav been shit. I have been dizzy, well been sick a few days now, and we are not allowed to drink the water if we dont boil it first. Some freaking leak that happend yesterday.
- Well now at the end o the day im happy. Im addicted too "SE7EN ft. Lil Kim - Girls". And Spotify dont got any k-pop but i was bored and searched for Lil Kim on spotify, and ofc the song was there. ♥ That made my day!
Fast Five - 6 May 2011 ♥
kategori: Trailers [0] kommentera
Anyone else that cant wait?! *-*
SE7EN - girls
kategori: Song of today [0] kommentera
Se7en får stå för dagens låt! ;3
feat. Lil Kim
feat. Lil Kim
2010 Mnet Asian Music Awards ♥
kategori: Korea [0] kommentera
Some k-pop i love that won a price.
2PM won a lot! :o
T.O.P , G-Dragon , Taeyang,
can anyone get hotter then this guys?! *-*
2PM won a lot! :o
T.O.P , G-Dragon , Taeyang,
can anyone get hotter then this guys?! *-*
Steven Yeun *-*
kategori: Movie & TV [0] kommentera
Watching some The walking dead.
each time Steven Yuen (he is playing Glenn in the walking dead) pop's up i get wet. GRR!
If u wonder why i never write blog,
its beacuse I DONT GOT ANY COMPUTER!!!!
each time Steven Yuen (he is playing Glenn in the walking dead) pop's up i get wet. GRR!
If u wonder why i never write blog,
its beacuse I DONT GOT ANY COMPUTER!!!!
playful kiss ♥
kategori: Korea [1] kommentera
Svenska: Tack vare Nongmai så har jag gått kärat ner mig i Playful kiss, (k-drama).
Trodde aldrig jag skulle hitta nå bättre asiatisk drama efter jag hade sett klart på Absolute boyfriend (j-drama), men det gjorde jag tydligen!
English: Thanks to Nongmai i have fallen inlove with Playful kiss, (k-drama).
I never thought i would find any better asian drama after seen Absolute boyfriend (j-drama), but i did!
Trodde aldrig jag skulle hitta nå bättre asiatisk drama efter jag hade sett klart på Absolute boyfriend (j-drama), men det gjorde jag tydligen!
English: Thanks to Nongmai i have fallen inlove with Playful kiss, (k-drama).
I never thought i would find any better asian drama after seen Absolute boyfriend (j-drama), but i did!
BEAST - beautiful
kategori: Song of today [0] kommentera
love love love ♥
new piercing ^-^
kategori: Everyday life [0] kommentera
After 4 years i finally decide to buy something new for my lip.
So two days ago i bought this one , but the dark blue :D
i love it ^-^
So two days ago i bought this one , but the dark blue :D
i love it ^-^